Earth Day on 22 April is the largest global movement to restore our planet to a cleaner, fairer, better world for everyone. You can do these 5 simple things to make a big difference and help the planet! Let’s take action together now!
(1) Stop using single-use items

Invest money in purchasing reusable and durable items instead of one-time-use items! For example, reduce the use of paper towels and switch to use rags or cloth, which not only saves your money but also saves the trees.
(2) Say no to plastic bags

We use a plastic bag every 5 minutes, yet a plastic bag takes 1,000 years to break down. Bring your own shopping bags when going to the groceries. If you refuse to use plastic bags for every purchase, you can save more than 100,000 marine animals which die every single year from getting tangled in plastic bags.
(3) Reduce the consumption of meat & dairy products

Changing your diet habit is the best way to reduce your carbon footprint. Cut your intake of dairy products, meat especially beef, and eat more plant-based foods that tend to have a lower carbon footprint. This can make a bigger difference to the environment.
(4) Go for natural fibres or second-hand clothing

Shoreline plastic pollution mostly comes from synthetic clothing materials like nylon. We are better to choosing good quality and natural fibres clothing instead of chasing the trend of fast fashion. We can also purchase great second-hand clothing to reduce waste.
(5) Bring your own cup & utensils

1,500 plastic water bottles are discarded to the landfill in the U.S. every second. However, there are only 30% of these plastic water bottles get recycled. Reduce the consumption of plastic water bottles and plastic utensils are important. Add a reusable cup, reusable utensils, and a stainless steel straw to your bag!