Wearing a surgical mask plays an important role during the pandemic to reduce the spreads of virus. But it can be hard on your skin that causing different problems for your skin, like acne, rashes and itchy. All you need is to protect your skin under mask to tackle your “maskne”! Read on to check out the tips to protect your skin under a surgical mask.
What is MASKNE ?
Wearing a mask all day long can make changes on the skin of the face that can be altered by friction, moisture and perspiration. Sometimes can be seen on the skin face under the mask redness skin imperfections or others. Sometimes acne-prone skin can worsen under the mask, sometimes redness and irritation can occur.

How to treat maskne irritations?
According to skin problems that can occur on the skin under the mask, it is suggested to adapt a specific product that could be applied mornings and evenings. A VERY GENTLE CLEANSER and A SOOTHING CREAM and used regularly mornings and evenings would help to decrease most of skin problems induced by mask wearing. If the problems persist people should not hesitate to see a dermatologist.
How do I protect my skin under a mask?
To prevent MASKNE people can apply mornings and evenings light-texture protective dermo-cosmetics in order to avoid skin problems due to mask wearing. Texture of cosmetics as serums and or light gel-creams showed good results in clinical tests on people wearing protective masks, these type of cosmetics are the most recommended.