Choosing the right coloured contact lens can be tricky but it’s important to select shades that complement rather than clash with your hair colour. Let us help you pick the best option with this handy guide on how to perfectly match your coloured contact lens and hair colour that flatter your locks.
Be sure to get your eyes tested and get a contact lens prescription from your local optometrist or eye care doctor. Do not forget to ask them to try out different coloured lenses.
Coloured contact lens & hair colour perfect matches:

Coloured Contact Lens for Light Brown Hair
The best hair colour for brown eyes has to be brown hair, which enhances light brown tones beautifully and warms up the eyes naturally. Brown hair and blue eyes can also get you noticed in a very good way.
Coloured Contact Lens for Black or Dark Brown Hair
The shades of brown beautifully complement black or dark brown hair. Warm hazel shades look great with black or brown hair, while blue eyes stand out strikingly against dark locks.
Coloured Contact Lens for Red or Auban Hair
The best coloured contacts for redheads are green. Vibrant emerald greens pair nicely with rich, deeper reds as they make a bold statement. Meanwhile, softer forest greens complement lighter copper or strawberry blonde shades. If you want to switch up your look, navy blue or hazel contacts can also work well with auburn-toned red manes.
Coloured Contact Lens for Blonde Hair
Blond hair looks great with any eye colour. For platinum or ashy blonde, truly lightweight shades like blue, mint green or violet draw attention to peachy undertones. Darker contacts may overpower very pale hair.